dialoguing presents: a therapist and a lawyer walk into a bar...
Taylor Swift is the Detroit Lions as the Detroit Lions are Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift is the Detroit Lions as the Detroit Lions are Taylor Swift

a statement that makes complete sense in our home

In this episode, Kaitlyn, from the newsletter dialoguing on Substack, and her husband explore personal fears underlying social anxiety, how they can form, and possible evolutionary influences. They also revisit a defensive interaction and the complexity of wanting your partner to go to the therapy.

We are on Apple Podcasts here and Spotify here. Feel free to listen and/or leave a review there as well!

Show Notes:

Despite the premise of the show, we reflect on very few newsletters this time, but here are some that have come out since the last podcast was released, as well as one* that is relevant to our conversation around social anxiety.

dialoguing presents: a therapist and a lawyer walk into a bar...
a companion piece to the newsletter, dialoguing. a therapist chats with her lawyer husband as if there aren't mics in front of their faces--about if he read her newsletter that week & if so, what he took from it as a non-therapist, among other things aimed at demystifying therapy and therapists.
photo cred: Rotarski Photography